Forthcoming Lectures

Tues 20 August 2024

MARK DEVLIN – Astrotheology and its Music Industry Connections

Mark Devlin is a well-known DJ, freedom campaigner and author of the renowned Musical Truth books, which explore the deeper and sometimes darker layers of the music industry he has himself been a part of. In this revelatory talk, Mark explores modern music’s links with what is known as ‘Astrotheology’. …

Mark says: “The New Testament strongly encodes astro-theology, with the figure of Jesus standing as a symbolic representation of the sun – perhaps the ‘sun of God’.

Ancient occultists understood this, along with the importance of the movement of the sun through the zodiacal year. Equinoxes, solstices and their mid-points still stand as important to the hidden controllers of today’s society.

This can be seen through the many bizarre events involving the corporate music industry which have occurred on or around these significant dates, strongly suggesting that many – if not all – may have been ritualistic in nature.”

Mark Devlin

Mark Devlin is a British club and radio DJ, music journalist and author. In 2010, he underwent “a conscious awakening”, bringing a new awareness of what’s really going on in this world. His special area of interest was how this ties into the mainstream music industry, and the way in which A-list artists have been used to manipulate and mind-control the masses in line with a larger agenda. He now speaks on these subjects, as well as appearing on radio,and producing two regular podcast series. In early 2016 he published his comprehensive book, Musical Truth, with Vol. 2 following in 2018 and Vol. 3 in 2021. His debut novel The Cause & The Cure appeared in early 2020.

All lectures are introduced by Andy Thomas and begin at 8.00pm sharp, admission £7. Events are held on TUESDAYS. Our venue is at Cyprus Hall, Cyprus Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex, RH15 8DX

Details of how to find us can be found on the Venue Directions page

Other dates for 2024:

15 October

Speakers will be announced as we go, but all will be excellent and worth coming out for!

A Changing Times lecture in progress